Imagine the Universe!

You know Dr. Greenglow is a perfectionist, so you want to make certain that your answer is right on the mark before you talk with her about that position in her lab. You bring your calculations to one of the other students working in the lab to check over. After studying your work for several minutes, he tells you that you are on the right track, but must have made an error in your math somewhere. He hands it back to you with a smile, advising you to check your work again before bringing it to Dr. Greenglow...

You may find it helpful to print out the page with the X-ray data on it in order to measure more accurately. XX make a hint about measuring the right place on the graph... XX

Check Check your math and recalculate the size of HT Cas.

Imagine the Universe is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

The Imagine Team
Project Leader: Dr. Jim Lochner
All material on this site has been created and updated between 1997-2004.

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